Tallis Spalding

Since she entered the world of Dungeons and Dragons (and other Table Top games), Tallis has completely immersed herself, indulging in the rules and game expansions. She's completely thrown herself into homebrew, creating an entire world for her frequent one-shots and campaigns to take place in. She believes the most important thing with DnD is to communicate with everyone at the table because when everyone is on the same page (and comfortable improvising), the game ends up being even better than expected.

Zone of Truth 5e Guide

Zone of Truth 5e Guide

Sitting in front of you is a rogue agent from the enemy. They claim that they have information for you, information that could bring an end to the war between kingdoms. Hesitant to believe anything said, you step forward and raise your hand. Calling upon your deity, magic washes over the room and everyone in

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Help Action 5e Guide

Help Action 5e Guide

Amid the battle, a cat darts around the field, rushing between enemy legs and attempting to trip those running. She’s moving too quickly to be hurt and runs to aid ally after ally, all under the telepathic command of her wizard. She darts across the middle of the battlefield, making a beeline to the area

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